Author: Jazmine Franklin

The Fundamentals of Pest Control

Identifying pests and carefully studying their environment is important in designing effective control measures. Physical or mechanical controls include sticky barriers, traps, nets, radiation, and flooding.

Pest Control

Clutter provides places for pests to breed and hide. If you see flies buzzing around the house or rice grain-sized droppings, that’s a sign of an infestation. For professional assistance, contact Pest Control West Vancouver BC.

The first step in pest control is to accurately identify the pest. This is important because pests can look very similar to non-pest organisms (beneficial plants, beneficial insects, or even people). Accurate identification also allows for the correct application of controls or management strategies, such as avoiding cropping in areas prone to pests, selecting non-host crops, preventing cross pollination by removing flowers, or utilizing natural enemies.

To successfully identify a pest, learn as much as possible about the species and its life cycle. Many books and web resources are available to help with pest identification. You can also consult with a professional pest management company or your State land grant Cooperative Extension agent.

Pest identification is important because it helps you determine if pests need to be controlled, the type of control needed, and the best time to apply controls. Monitoring or “field scouting” can allow you to detect pest problems before they reach damaging levels or spread.

The information you gain about a pest can also help you decide whether or not to tolerate a particular species or plant, and what level of damage is acceptable. It can also help you make decisions about cultural practices, such as adjusting cultivation techniques or incorporating non-host plants, or less-toxic chemical controls.

Regardless of the pest, most have certain windows of vulnerability during their lives that are easier to manage or control than others. For example, insects are typically easiest to control when they are young or immature, weeds are most easily controlled when they are small and new, and diseases are often most easily prevented from spreading or becoming established.

Proper pest identification can help you take advantage of these windows by locating and eliminating breeding sites, such as dead rodents or birds in the yard, pet waste in the garden or compost pile, dirty garbage cans, or crowded bird cages. In addition, identifying a specific insect order can help you select appropriate biological controls such as Bacillus thuringiensis or nuclear polyhedrosis virus products that are species specific. For a more complete list of potential biological controls, see the Pest Control Resources page.

Pest Prevention

Pest prevention is a proactive response that keeps bugs out of your home and business while reducing the impact of existing infestations. It involves practical pest control tips and treatments that are customized for your property. These include routine inspections to identify entry points like gaps in doors and fissures in foundations, as well as pest-proofing such as eliminating a pest’s food sources, shelter and breeding sites. This type of pest control is typically more effective and environmentally friendly than the reactive approach known as treatment.

For outdoor pest situations, eradication is rarely the goal. In fact, the most desirable outcome is to prevent an infestation from occurring in the first place and/or limiting its growth once it has begun. However, in enclosed environments such as homes, schools, offices, health care and food preparation facilities, some pests simply cannot be tolerated.

Preventing pests from damaging wood, linens, wire, clothing and other materials in commercial settings requires a more comprehensive strategy than in homes. Taking preventive steps includes regularly inspecting incoming shipments and maintaining sanitation and cleaning protocols. It also involves instituting maintenance activities that deter pests, such as trimming vegetation and gutters, sealing cracks in walls and foundation, and repairing leaking roofs and pipes.

Keeping kitchen and bathroom areas scrupulously clean is another crucial part of preventive pest control. It’s also important to keep garbage bins tightly closed, and any discarded items outside of buildings are kept away from the building and in a secure area where pests can’t reach them. Lastly, regular gutter and downspout cleaning is vital to avoid standing water that may attract pests.

For many outdoor pests, their presence or abundance can be predicted with reasonable accuracy based on their biology and environmental factors. This information can help decide whether a pest needs to be controlled, as well as what control measures will be most appropriate.

Whenever the use of pesticides is required, it is important to follow product labels closely and to apply them only where they are needed. Using more pesticide than necessary can be dangerous, injure people and animals, and damage the environment. Additionally, it is important to never purchase or use illegal pesticides (often sold by street vendors) as these can be very toxic and can pose serious health risks.


Pesticides are any substance used to prevent or destroy organisms that damage crops, food stores, homes and other properties. Pesticides are usually chemical compounds or biological agents that injure or kill target organisms by disrupting their normal functions or by interacting with their genetic material. Over 5.6 billion pounds of pesticides are used in agriculture and in homes each year. Pesticides include herbicides to destroy weeds, insecticides to kill insects, rodenticides to control mice and rats, fungicides to prevent mildew and mold, and disinfectants to reduce the spread of disease.

EPA regulates pesticides to ensure they are safe for humans and the environment. EPA does this by developing and enforcing regulations, sponsoring partnerships, conducting research, and providing education and information to the public. All pesticides must be reviewed and approved by EPA before they can be sold in the United States. Each state also has its own review and approval process for pesticides.

Before using any pesticide, it is important to consider other methods of pest control. Non-chemical pest controls include physical removal, changing environmental conditions and using lures and baits. Pesticides are useful in some situations, however they can cause injury or death to people and pets if misused.

Read the label and follow directions carefully when mixing, applying and storing pesticides. Avoid spraying in areas that are accessible to children and pets. Wear impermeable gloves, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt when handling pesticides. Wash hands immediately after applying pesticides. Cover or relocate bird cages, fish tanks and other animals before spraying outdoors. Remove shoes before entering the home to minimize tracking of soil or pesticide residues.

When choosing a pesticide, select the lowest toxic option available for the specific problem. Avoid overuse of pesticides. If a pesticide is necessary, use it sparingly and only when other methods are ineffective. Always follow EPA guidelines for pesticide use.

Before purchasing a pesticide, check the EPA website to determine whether it has been registered in your area. If it has not, ask the seller to provide you with an EPA registration number. Before using any pesticide in your home, be sure to read the label and remove foods, dishes, toys and other items from treated areas. Remove clothes that have come into contact with pesticides and wash them before wearing again. Observe any ventilation requirements on the label and open windows to reduce fumes in the house.


IPM is a comprehensive, systems-based approach to pest control that provides the safest, most effective and environmentally sound remedy for any pest problem. It minimizes risks from pests and their damage as well as risks from the overuse or inappropriate use of hazardous chemical pest-control products.

IPM strategies and tactics include preventive, biological, cultural, physical, mechanical, educational and chemical methods. When pest levels reach economic or aesthetic injury thresholds, monitoring and identification indicate that action is needed, and the proper control method is chosen from a menu of less risky options. Integrated pest management programs are flexible and site, crop or pest-specific.

Pest control is a continuous process that involves ongoing inspections, recordkeeping and scouting of managed areas to identify pests and their damaging activities. Preventive steps may include modifying environmental conditions to make them unfavorable for the pest (e.g. growing a crop in a field with good drainage and fertilization, caulking cracks in buildings), selecting disease-resistant plants or using trapping and pheromones to disrupt pest mating. Pest-proofing and exclusion methods are also useful controls.

If prevention and other less-risk controls fail, action should be taken to reduce pest numbers to acceptable levels. The appropriate control method is determined by the pest type, severity of damage and impact on humans, other organisms or the environment. When less-risky chemicals such as pheromones or baits are used, their effects are evaluated to ensure they are working. If the problem is severe, additional control measures such as targeted spraying of chemical pesticides are employed.

Because pests can become resistant to any control measure, a variety of different methods are utilized in an IPM program. Integrated pest management is designed to manage the pest population without total eradication, as elimination can lead to other problems such as soil erosion and loss of biodiversity. IPM programs are based on the belief that sustainable natural, agricultural and urban environments depend upon maintaining healthy populations of beneficial insects and other organisms that help regulate pest populations.

Why Commercial Steel Buildings Are the Best Choice

Commercial buildings are structures that generate profit and can include retail, office, or industrial purposes. Oklahoma Commercial Steel Buildings are used in a variety of ways and offer many benefits.

Steel Buildings

They are commonly used as aircraft hangars, and can also be found in schools, gymnastic centers, ice rinks, and other sports facilities. They are energy efficient and withstand harsh weather conditions.

Commercial steel buildings have been instrumental in shaping the modern business landscape, housing everything from retail spaces to complex industrial facilities. Despite myths and misconceptions that persist, these structures are highly versatile, durable, cost-effective, and offer countless advantages over other types of construction.

The versatility of commercial metal buildings is due to their modular design, which allows them to be constructed in sections and assembled on-site. They can also be easily modified or expanded in the future to accommodate new equipment or changing needs. These features make them ideal for a variety of applications, including motor vehicle dealerships, animal hospitals, retail stores, warehouses, and many other types of businesses.

In addition to their flexibility, commercial metal buildings can be designed to maximize energy efficiency. This is done by using insulated walls and reflective roofing materials, which reduce heating and cooling expenses. This is especially beneficial for those located in climates with extreme weather conditions.

Because they are constructed from durable materials, metal buildings are much less likely to suffer damage or need repairs over time. Unlike wood, which can be susceptible to water leakage, termite infestation, or damage from storms, steel is resistant to these issues and offers superior durability. Additionally, steel building components are often pre-fabricated off-site, which significantly cuts down on build time and labor costs.

Lastly, because of their flexibility and adaptability, steel structures are perfect for self-storage spaces. They provide a secure and safe environment to store belongings, while protecting them from theft and weather damage. Their open layouts and customizable nature also make them suitable for a variety of other applications, such as gyms or workshops.

A steel building can be a great investment for your business, as it will protect your goods and equipment from inclement weather and other risks. Additionally, it will save you money in the long run, as it is more cost-effective than other types of construction and can be built to last for a long time with minimal maintenance. Steel buildings are also an excellent choice for agricultural use, as they are sturdier than traditional wooden pole barns and can be used to shelter livestock, equipment, and machinery.


Steel buildings are known for their durability and longevity, making them an excellent choice for many types of construction projects. They are resistant to a variety of common issues that can affect other materials, such as termites and rot, and they also hold up well in challenging weather conditions, including heavy snowfall, rain, and strong winds. Additionally, steel buildings are typically impervious to earthquakes. These qualities make steel a safe and long-lasting option for commercial and industrial buildings.

Achieving the durability of a metal building requires meticulous engineering and design. Using advanced software and cutting-edge techniques, architects can create precise blueprints that optimize structural strength and integrity. This precision makes it easy to incorporate insulation, energy-efficient HVAC systems, and other modern features. It also allows for flexibility as needs evolve, ensuring that the structure is adaptable and can grow with its owner.

The durability of a steel building also extends to its resistance to corrosion. With regular maintenance and proper application of protective coatings, metal can resist corrosion for decades. This longevity reduces repair costs and maintenance time, lowering overall operating expenses. It’s important to choose a contractor with experience in the field of metal construction to ensure quality workmanship and the highest level of durability.

Besides their superior durability, metal buildings are also known for their cost-efficiency. They often cost 5-7 percent less to construct than buildings made of wood or concrete. This cost-efficiency is due to the fact that steel frames use fewer resources than other materials. They are also more affordable because they require fewer labor hours to install.

In addition to reducing the total cost of ownership, steel buildings can reduce insurance premiums. Because they are so durable and fire-resistant, many insurance providers consider them low risk. This translates to lower monthly premiums for the property owner.

The versatility, durability, and speed of construction of metal buildings make them ideal for commercial and industrial use. They can be used as warehouses, manufacturing facilities, retail stores, and office buildings. They are also popular in the agricultural industry for storage of crops and equipment. They can even be used to house sports complexes and recreational centers, thanks to their large, open spaces.


Having a business requires a lot of time, effort and resources. You need to focus on inventory, marketing, sales, and customer service to keep your company going. Moreover, you also need to worry about post-maintenance and future renovations. This can be a major distraction and can prevent you from growing your business. This is why it’s important to choose a building that can cut additional expenses for you. Compared to regular brick-and-mortar buildings, pre-engineered steel buildings are far more reasonable and cost-effective for commercial use.

Besides the low initial costs, steel buildings are known for their durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions. This reduces the need for frequent repairs and maintenance, which translates into substantial savings in energy costs. Additionally, metal buildings can be insulated and designed with energy efficiency in mind, further reducing utility costs.

Another way that a steel building can help you save money is by offering a faster construction process. This cuts weeks off of your building’s construction timeline, saving you money in labor costs. Furthermore, steel buildings can be designed with an open floor plan, allowing you to maximize your space without worrying about support columns.

The design of a commercial steel building also allows for high-grade insulation, keeping the interior warm in cold weather and cool in hot. This helps to lower energy costs and maintain a comfortable indoor temperature all year round. Additionally, the design of a commercial steel building can be tailored to meet specific industry or organizational requirements.

Aside from the financial advantages of steel buildings, they are also highly durable and can withstand severe weather conditions like tornadoes, hurricanes, and snowfall. This durability helps to minimize repair and maintenance costs, and it can even reduce insurance premiums because insurers view them as less of a risk.

In addition to being cost-effective, steel buildings are easy to erect, which makes them ideal for retail spaces. These advantages are especially beneficial for businesses that need to open their doors quickly. By choosing a steel building, you can avoid costly delays that can disrupt your business operations and cause customer frustration.

Energy Efficiency

We are constantly hearing about new technologies and innovations for generating and conserving energy, but what many people don’t realize is that there are also ways to improve upon longstanding techniques and materials that have proven their worth. Steel buildings are a good example. The use of steel in construction allows for excellent insulation, which helps prevent heating and cooling costs from skyrocketing. Additionally, it is easy to add additional insulation, such as fiberglass or foam, to further reduce energy costs.

In addition, the design of a custom steel building can further increase its energy efficiency by using windows and skylights that maximize natural light and ventilation. This, in turn, can help minimize electricity usage. Furthermore, the design can allow for a more open layout to accommodate different needs. In the case of warehouses, this flexibility can make it easier to regulate airflow and temperature, which can further cut costs.

A steel building is also a great choice for reducing maintenance expenses, since it is less likely to be damaged by harsh environmental conditions that typically damage traditional structures. Unlike wood, metal is impervious to rot or termite infestation, and it does not support the growth of mildew or mold, which can cause a variety of health problems for its occupants. Additionally, a steel structure is resistant to fire and earthquakes, and it can be erected quickly to get your business up and running as soon as possible.

Another way to reduce your commercial steel building’s energy costs is to install a cool metal roof, which slows the transfer of heat from the sun. This can dramatically lower your energy costs and cut down on your power bills. It’s also important to invest in high-efficiency CFL bulbs to further reduce your energy usage.

In addition, a regular cleaning schedule of your steel building’s ventilation system can go a long way toward keeping its energy efficiency high. This can be especially helpful during peak weather conditions, when energy consumption is highest.
